Frida Kahlo
This March, the Instagram challenge 'Portrait Challenge 2019,' created by August Wren and Ohn Mar Win, was hands down my favorite challenge so far! I discovered that painted faces, especially famous ones, really interested me. It was something I looked forward to daily. It gave me more confidence in my work and forced me to do something that I didn't often feel comfortable doing. I'm looking forward to more of this in the future. Most of these images were created in watercolor and gouache, with very slight enhancements in Photoshop. Frida Kahlo was the only one I did in acrylics, and it took much longer. Since I was constrained to do one a day, some of them were a bit rushed, I have to admit. But I think that was a good thing because I didn't have the time to agonize over them—I just did it and hoped for the best!