Farida Zaman
Farida Zaman is a multi-disciplinary artist and professional author-illustrator, who is well known for her whimsical, uplifting illustrations in watercolour, gouache, acrylics, or digital art. Her extensive portfolio includes children’s picture books, editorial art, educational publishing, food packaging as well as licensing images on stationery, jigsaw puzzles, maps, posters, and more.
Born in Bangladesh, and having called many different countries home, including the UK, the US, and Canada, Farida describes herself as a global citizen, with a natural flair for illustrating different cultures and stories related to travel, history, and diverse lived experiences.
Farida has illustrated 16 picture books and since 2020 is an author illustrator of 2 books that are already published- “ALIYA’S SECRET- A STORY OF RAMADAN” (Owl Books), “I WANT TO BE A GUTSY GIRL- ABC” (Second Story Press), “MEENA CAN’T WAIT” (Orca Books) is the next one coming out in Spring 2024. Recently Farida has signed 2 more book deals with OWL BOOKS scheduled for spring and fall 2026.
Farida participated in the Children’s Book Week 2023 in schools in Nova Scotia and Quebec. She has done numerous book readings for school visits and libraries and has run workshops based on some of her books.
Farida is a passionate gardener and brings her love of garden and flowers on to her canvas and paper creating illustrations and paintings of florals and foliage that been licensed and commissioned by many manufacturers and clients. Her love of food and cooking is also reflected in her illustrations on cookbook covers and interior illustrations.
Farida's love of culture through her travels throughout childhood, and adult life is reflected in her travel art that is seen in the form of jigsaw puzzles, stationary, cards and calendars. She is a member of SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book writers and Illustrators), Canscaip ( Canadian Society of Children’s Authors, Illustrators and Performers) and The Writers Union of Canada.

Current Clients
Toronto Transit Commission
Bank Of Montreal
KANDL Boutique Yorkvile
Design Design
Pierre Belvedere Stationary and Gifts
Certified Ceramics
Toronto Public Library
Chirp magazine
Manual Woodworker
Design House Greetings
Weller Smith Design
Steps Public Art
Owl Publishing
Orca Book
Second Story Press
Leanin Tree
Item Studio
Housewares International
Rock Flower Paper
Children’s Author & Illustrator Learn More.
As a kid, I was always drawing, particularly people and flowers. I loved the smell of Crayola crayons and cut and paste.
Visual story telling is what I love doing, creating a set for the text to dance on. The heart of illustration is communicating the story in a way that compliments and adds something you can’t get to any other way.
It’s not an easy path, it involves hard work and at times disappointments and failures, but not giving up. It will pay off and will bring you success. It’s a job that requires, at its core a kind of curiosity, passion for playing, and a deep desire to get better.
I trained in the UK , and started working there with publishing house, magazines, and design, packaging. I had an agent there who got me work and then I moved to Canada where I continued to freelance as an illustrator and the rest is history…
Visual story telling is a powerful tool. It allows me to take text be it a picture book story or a magazine editorial project dimension and depth.
I love travel, cooking dinners for my family and friends and gardening indoors and out.
Read as much as you can! Go to museums and gallery’s as much as you can. Take online art classes even. In mediums that you don’t typically work in.
I started out working just in water colours and inks, later introduced acrylics in to the mix and today I
Again, it came with a lot exploring and practice.
I use a combination of Procreate and Photoshop and integrate hand painted elements with it too.