My agents at Wild Apple Licensing assigned me to do these fashion illustrations of 4 different cultures. An Indian, Japanese, Chinese and an African woman. The goal is to see that they translate into home decor items namely wall art, stationery, table top and textiles. A fair amount of research went into the project. I made sure that the colors and patterns echoed the countries of origin. I love global culture, so this project was just perfect!
Embellishing and decorating surfaces is what i love to do, so I was in heaven. I created these pieces of art in watercolor and goauche. Adding a bit of gouache gives the watercolor medium a bit more punch so that it looks vibrant and rich, but there is a fine balance because I don’t want to loose the translucent quality of watercolor either. The illustrations are fine and whimsy, my signature look! They are all on white backgrounds so that they just pop!