Bye bye April hello May!
Happy May! It was the busiest April ever! Between a book launch and book readings for Aliya’s Secret- A Story of Ramadan at schools all through Greater Toronto Area plus being interviewed by CTV on YOUR MORNING , it was quite natural to feel a little overwhelmed with work deadlines to boot! I needed a break! So I took to Mexico City for a short break involving museum visits, walks through beautiful parks and delicious local food inspiration!
Light Camera Action!
I suddenly realized that I was on national TV ( CTV - Your Morning April 13 2024) and there was no escaping!
My book was part of the Ramadan holiday celebration segment
Another book launch for Meena Can’t wait at Another Story book Shop
Sharing one of my favourite illustrations from April
The butterflies were done for a larger collection of flowers and insects for my licensing agents. I loved the way this turned out.
Some School visits
I love school visits. It’s always energizing and and inspiring, if the story can hold the attention of your young audience, you know the book has strong legs to stand on! I love the questions I get asked by the kids and aspects they point out from my book- Aliya’s Secret me, that me the author hadn’t even thought of. I always offer a arts and craft to go along wth my books, and it’s wonderful to see what the kids come up with.
At the Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School
This student made a cut out paper lantern out of my drawing!
A Trip to Mexico City
This was my birthday treat, a trip to Mexico City. I went ages ago but never made it to the Frida Kahlo Museum as it was under renovation but this time I did, a what a treat it was. I love this city, bursting with culture, natural beauty, plants, trees ( that are well preserved) and fauna everywhere you look! The colours and patterns on textiles and pottery were stunning. I toon a ton of pictures and I can assure you that I will be creating a lot of art based on what I saw there in furture.
The first 3 pictures from the right are from the Frida Kahlo Museum and the rest are from the Contemporary Folk Art Museum, it all speaks to me :)
So thats all for now! Stay tuned more to follow in May!